A Tragic Loss in the Taylor Swift Community
A Tragic Loss in the Taylor Swift Community Weiny Machado is in mourning following the death of his beloved daughter Ana Clara Benevides Machado. Ana Clara, a…

Picture of little girl holding bag of popcorn has broken the internet
Every so often the internet throws up something that divides people down the middle. Sometimes it can be a batch of controversial news, sometimes a mind-boggling riddle people can’t…

“From an Old Wreck To a Comfortable Home”: An American Couple Converted an Old Bus Into a Motor Home!
Once upon a time, there were two people from America who had a big dream of traveling to new places. They didn’t just want to dream; they…

Emotional Impact: 10-Year-Old Wows with National Anthem, Brings Tears to Grown Men”
A standout among kids singing the National Anthem, 10-year-old Jadon Perez’s rendition is gaining attention on social media. Known for his remarkable voice on TikTok, Jadon showcased…

My Boyfriend’s Son Scares Our 3 Month-Old-Daughter on Purpose, Forcing Me to Take Action
On January 11, 2024, an anonymous female contributor turned to the “AITAH” subreddit to share her troubling experience. Having been diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD), she questioned…

Students Learn A Hard Lesson When They Take A Knee During The Anthem
A number of years ago, it was common to see football players taking a knee during the national anthem. They did it as a form of protest…

Teen Wrestling Champ Tackles Bad Man And Saves 3 Small Children
People play sports for any number of different reasons but many people get involved in sports in high school in order to do something they love. One…

Teen Idol Bobby Sherman Took A Better Life Path
There are plenty of people who start out in a career doing something and before they are finished with life, they have switched careers a number of…

Kellogg’s CEO Makes $5 Million Per Year And Wants Poor People To Eat More Cornflakes
Have you ever said something that you regretted or perhaps you were forced into saying something you didn’t want to say? I don’t know which is the…

Remember Phoebe Cates? Why the ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ star disappeared
Phoebe Cates appeared in many films, including Gremlins and Drop Dead Fred – but she’ll forever be remembered for her iconic, topless pool scene in 1982’s Fast Times at Ridgemont High. But…